
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Craniosacral Therapy
Duties and Responsibilities: Craniosacral therapy is mainly therapy that deals with hyperactivity disorders such as chronic disorders, headaches, pain, and general maintenance. This type of therapy is mostly recommended for major issues such pneumonia, heart disease, autism etc. These are part of the things that they take care of.
Salary: 45,000-75,000
Education: Most of the times you are require a license to touch a person in order to perform therapy. The person must have a background with massage and such.

Reflection; I would not like to pursue this career. One of the reasons why is because I don’t want to effect the person more. The other reason being I don’t like giving massage and I don’t trust massages. 
Student Success Statement 
"Be cool in school- live every rule" 

When i read this quote i think of what every person thinks of when they are in school. They think they want to be known they want to be remembered. This is one of the reasons why people always make mistakes. But what if you are not understanding the meaning behind the word cool. In the end the person who does something cool like misbehaving or acting up it usually ends badly on them. But the person who does everything right ends up advancing meaning you'll achieve more Doesn't that make you cool because you accomplish something they couldn't. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Student Sucess Statement 

"The best recreation is to do good" 
William Penn

When read these quote i think of a person starting all over. When a person feels that they have not done good enough so they start all over. Which is why i believe that he is trying to say that when you create yourself aging start by doing the right. If you are starting all over shouldn't you start by doing the right. The reason in the first place for why you want to recruit yourself in the first place is because you did wrong so why not start good these time.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Student Success Statement 
"Right is right even if everyone is against it, Wrong is wrong even if everyone is against it." 
William Penn 
Reflection: What I think when I read this quote is what people sometime say "if everyone is doing it then it must be right." Many people make this excuse to make it seem right when they know what they are doing is wrong. It is clear to them but they always use the excuse, everyone does it. Which is why I believe his words are right wrong is wrong even if everyone does it, it is not an excuse. When you do something right in life you will know it is right it is just an instinct for human beings to know what is right and wrong. 

Yoga Therapist
Duties and Responsibility: A yoga therapist mostly helps with people with body problems, asthma, diabetes, and much more. They also attend to people with emotional problems such as depression and anxiety. Yoga Therapist aim to cure people of their problems.
Salary: 36,900-66,530
Education: Must be train in yoga philosophy, anatomy, health therapy, modern health care terminology. They must also know yoga positions and such.  

Reflection: I do not think I would like to pursue this career. I think this because when you are doing yoga you need patients a form. I do not have these qualities to be a yoga therapist. Also when people do yoga they are calm, they relax the mind, and they are quiet. I cannot stand still, be quiet for a long time, and relax my mind for a while. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Student Success Statement 

"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often." 
Peter Vidmar 
(His personal strategy) 

When I read this quote I believe he means that you shouldn't put aside what you want the most. You should always put that first and not let anyone stop you. Also if your social life is getting in the way of accomplishing your goal you should put that aside and aim for your goal. Because in the end the thing that matters is accomplishing that goal and nothing should get in your way of doing so.
Clinical Manager
Duties and Responsibilities: Clinical managers administrate, plan, direct, and coordinate medical and health services. They can also manage a facility or they manage a special facility and clinical department. Must be able to adapt to changes in laws, regulation, and technology.
Salary:  53,940- 150,560
Education: Typically need a bachelor to become one. However master’s degree in health service is common and public administration.

Reflection: I do not think I would like to be one because I always wanted a more hands on job, the type of job where you are involve. Also I am not a good boss and I cannot boss people around. Also I do not have the patients. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Chromotherapy or Color Therapy
Duties and Responsibilities: Chromotherapy is a type of therapy that uses the visible spectrums to cure disease. Color is believed to be the language of the soul which is why colors are used for therapy. Colors and human are in many ways alike.
Salary: 34,000-76,000
Education: Get a diploma which is given by Medical schools, you can also do this by applying to smaller curses that also apply to medicine and such.

Reflection: I don’t think I would like to pursue this career but it does sound interesting. This career isn’t for me because I don’t have that much interest in therapy that much. Also I never really understood therapy. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Student Success Statement 

A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches 
Proverb 22.1 

What these quote is saying is that your name is worth more than the riches you can have. A person can be rich have everything in the world but what if they don't have a good name. Throughout history there have been man with power man with any amount of riches but sometimes those man are not remember for their riches but for what they cause for the disasters they have done and they are remember for their names. But if you have a good name, if you have what matters; which is not only money its also family and such. Then you will be known for your great name for what you have done and not even care if you had money or not.  

Friday, October 10, 2014

Student Sucess Statement 
" A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life." 

Coach K 
Mike Krzyzewski

This quote is basically talking about the way you are seen. A Person is remembered by their name because it is their identity. A persons name is what makes you, you. But it is also the way you are seen. If you do something bad then the person will remember you because of that they will remember your name. But what if your do what is right, what if you follow the rules and get good grades then your name will be remembered with all the good qualities. 
Duties and Responsibility: Chiropractor takes care of patients who suffer from neuromusculoskeletal system problems. This includes bones, nerves, muscle, ligament, and tendons. They adjust, manipulate, and other techniques to help patients.
Salary: 31,030- 142,950
Education: Require to have a Doctors of Chiropractic degree, Require 90 hours undergraduate education.

Reflection: I do not think I would like to follow this career, and it doesn't really interest me. I could never handle a person’s bones and such. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Student Sucess Statement 

"A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself." 

Noemi Trigueros 

This quote is basically saying a person who follows the rules of being a CTR person is a champion. The rules of being a CTR person are simple it is basically saying Choose the Right. In every situation their is a right and a wrong it just depends on your choice. But if you always choose the right or you are a CTR person then you will make a champion of yourself. 

Duties and Responsibilities: An artist is a person, who engages in creating art, practices art, or demonstrates art. The art the person does depend in their choices and in what they like. Most of the time art is use in the entertainment business. Art applies in many different arias such as writing, dance, music, and painting.
Salary: 34,883-64,739
Education: Formal education not always require since your art work comes naturally. If an artist wants to improve they will attend an art school that will help then.

Reflection: This career is interesting but I would not follow it. I like to draw and paint for my own entertainment.  I never really enjoyed drawing and painting for money or entertainment. It is also a hobby not a career I want to pursue. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Student Sucess Statement
"You cant put s limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get. No matter what you set your imagination to, anything can happen.'

Michael Phelps 
22 Olympic Medals(18 goal) 

This quote tells me to not put a limit on yourself. That if you want to do something then go for it nothing is really stopping you. Because the farther you look at your dreams the more you will get. You don't have to be from somewhere especial all you need is to want that one thing, and you will get it. 

Chinese (Oriental) Medicine
Duties and Responsibilities: Chinese Medicine is a broad concept. The development of this medicine took years of practice and study for around 2,000 years. This includes various types of medicine such as herbal, acupuncture, massage, exercise, and diet training. Mostly use as a alternative medicine.
Salary: Average 52,000
Education: Must have masters in oriental medicine, and have study mathematics and physics.

Reflection: I do not think I would like to pursue this career. It is an interesting subject but it is not something would like to be. I never really believe in this type of medicine.  

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Mark Victor Hansen Video

Mark Victor Hansen video is about goal setting. To set as many goals as you want to accomplish and to never stop. Always write victory next to whatever goal you have accomplished. This way when you are not feeling well or when something is wrong look back and see what you have accomplish.  Because everyone has their ups and down but your goals are your ups. Mark shows that your goals are what makes you and what makes you prideful. He also shows to not stop at simple task but to accomplish what you set. 
Student Success Statement 

"You have brains in your head,
 You have feet in your shoes;
 You can steer yourself in
 any direction you choose.
 You're on your own, 
And you know what you know.
 You are the guy who'll decide where to go." 
 Dr. Seuss 

When i read Dr. Seuss quote i think he is trying to say you are no different from anyone else. He is basically saying you have every quality another person has. So why is it that those people can do it but you can't. He also means that you are the person that guides you not another person it is you that can make you change and be what you want to be. 
Student Sucess Statement 

"Goal setting is goal getting. Set and get." 

Mark Victor Hansen 

Mark Victor Hansen quote mean when you set a goal you are aiming to completing that goal. Setting the goal helps you accomplish the goal. All a person has to do is set the goal and you will get it. Because when you set something it gives you a purpose and a push. 
Cellular Therapy
Duties and Responsibility: Cellular therapy is the process in which living cells is injected into a person the cells are usually alive and without harm.  This therapy is usually use for people with cancer. Other times it is use for regular diseases. This type of therapy can be used for genetic diseases.
Salary: Average salary is 31,000
Education: Must have a doctor degree. Must study biology and molecular biology.

Reflection: I don’t think I would like to be one because I never really like cancer or anything cancer related.  Also this treatment sometimes gives people false hope I do not wish to give people false hope. But looking it in another point of view this career isn’t so bad.