
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Final Part 1 
  1. I like how this class had a system that i could work around with. How i knew what i would be doing in this class. 
  2. I did not like how this class might not have challenge my computer skill simply because i knew most of the thing being tough on word and such.
  3. My recommendation for this class would be to challenge others knowledge on what they know in computers. Or to have a level for each person that way its easy to figure out who needs helped and who doesn't. 
  4. I did do my best in this class i never liked not doing my best. 
  5. I read my Life planning 100+ goals but i do not read them on Sunday. Because usually that's family day. 
  6. I am committed to be a CTR person because i know that being one will help me on my future. 
  7.  I will always remember from this class that i had a goal in mind. That i knew what i wanted to do.
Student Success Statement 
"To be a CTR person- to always CHOOSE THE RIGHT."
"Of all the choices you will you will ever make, one choice supersedes all others- the ultimate choice. This one choice will help you to always make correct decisions. This one choice, The Ultimate Choice, is your keystone to being the best student and person you can possibly be. This one choice will forever affect you for good more than any other choice. The ultimate choice is TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT"
When i read all of this i learned that in order to be a CTR person you always have to choose the right. If you make a mistake one has to stand up and make it right. Simply because that's how life works. Without choosing the right one cannot world or do anything in life. Because life can be fair and unfair to those who don't
do what is right. One cannot always be making mistakes and expecting them to not come and hunt you. Because those mistakes will come back and when they do a price could be paid.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Student Success Statement 
"Success is not a accident. Success is actually a choice. Are the habits you have today on par with the dreams you have of tomorrow." 
Alan Stein 
When i read this quote i think it means that a person cannot be successful by accident. Success can only happen when a person works hard to obtain it. The reason being is that success only happens when a person works hard for what they want. One cannot simply lay around and expect everything to come to them in a silver platter. No that would not be the answer because one must work hard for what they want in life.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Student Success Statement 
"A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder."
Thomas Carlyle 
When i read this quote i think of the definition or it is that a a rudder does for a boat. A rudder is the part of the boat that makes it run. Now if you put this symbolism into the words you'll know what it mean. Its basically saying that a man who does not have a goal does not run. A person without a goal will only wonder around without knowing what to do. But if that person has a rudder then they will run and find their path much easier. Its easier to put a goal in mind because it helps a person keep going. Usually when a person loose site of what they want they tend to give up. But if they set a goal in mind its harder to simply gibe up. Because you know you have somewhere to go.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Student Success Statement
If there is beauty in character, 
there is harmony in the home. 
If there is harmony in the home, 
there will be peace in the world.
If there is beauty in character, 
there will be peace in the world. 
Chinese Proverb
When i read this proverb i think of the hidden meaning. By this i mean how beauty is being compared to character. They do not mean beauty as in the outside but in the inside. I do believe that the beauty in the inside is what matters and by your character being beautiful then you yourselves are a wonderful person. Because its the actions that speak louder than words.
The Six Pillars of Character 
Trustworthiness:Honesty, don't deceive, cheat, or steal, have courage, be reliable, be loyal etc. For example its just when someone tells you to tell the truth about a event.  
Respect:fallow the golden rule, be tolerant and accepting, consider the feelings of other, deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements etc. Its just like what people are always told treat others like you wish to be treated.
Responsibility: do what you have to do, keep trying, think before you act, set a good example etc. If you have somewhere to be and you promise you have to keep that promise.
Fairness:be open minded, play by the rules, don't blame others for your actions, treat others fairly etc.Never take one side over the other its the golden rule. 
Caring:help people in need, be kind, express gratitude etc. If you can help some you should, because you should not ignore the big issue. 
Citizenship: obey laws and rules, be a  good neighbor, volunteer, protect the environment etc. You always want to keep the place you live in a good environment no matter what. 

I believe this are rule to apply because this gives people a better chance. Which is why i want to fallow them in order to give a chance or change.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Student Success Statement 
"I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating." 
When i read this quote i think he mean he would rather take the long road than the short one. If one start thinking the short road is the one that a person takes when they cheat. When someone cheats they automatically go somewhere or fail in life. Cheating isn't the answer to anything because then one knows that you do not deserve what you have, While when someone takes the long road they live a life that is peaceful. This is because they worked to where they are at, they did not cheat they took the long bumpy road. Which so happens to be the best type of road since that is were someone learns.

Memorial Day 
Memorial Day is a holiday held on the last week of May, meaning it is held on May 25. Unofficially this holiday also marks the beginning of summer. This holiday is a type of honor since we honor the life's of men and women who died serving the U.S arm forces. This holiday become official in the late 1971 which so happens to be after the civil war. Many families and people honor and pay tribute during memorial day by visiting the family member or by attending parades. In other cases their are some beaches that place flags on the ground in honor. It is still unclear of where the holiday exactly took place in the beginning but we do know it was for the fallen soldiers of the civil war. During memorial day i usually go to the beach and pay tribute by placing a flag in the sand. 

Friday, May 15, 2015

Student Success Statement 
"The most important thing you will ever have is good values." 
Dennis Prager 
When i read this quote by Dennis Prager i think he means that having a good morality is what keeps a person stable. Taking into account that every person cannot always be honest or not fall for temptation he means that having a good morality about oneself can help in life. In reality being a good person and doing what fits into the world is what can make something about a person. Meaning as long as you do something with a kind thought then it is good. 
Duties and Responsibilities: Opticians help people with fitting glasses by fallowing optometrist strict orders. Along with helping people decide which glasses go better with them. 
Salary: 33,330-40,380
Education: High School diploma or experience with a working community. Must have training for how to treat patients, along with glasses information. 
Reflection: No i would not like to be one. Simply because it does not get my idea of a job or it not active as much. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Student Success Statement 
"Nothing is ever gained in doing what's wrong." 
Wilford Woodruff 
When i read this quote i think about what everyone gets when do right. By that i mean action, attitude and such. But what if one person does what it is wrong. Then their entire life can be compromised. By this i mean that bigger issues can arise and the issues can never end. Meaning if someone does what is right then they will be set for life. Because in the end they worked hard to get where they are at. 
LAUSD: Families 
 Parents and Community Resources: This site of the webpage allows parent to download school forms in any language. I know how sometimes it is a struggle for parent to receive papers they understand. 
   Volunteers: LAUSD also provides with the opportunity for parents to volunteer. In this case it allows parents to be closer to the child through education. Also sometimes having parents around in school can help kids focus more. 
ESC: This program is controlled by LAUSD. Through this programs parents opinion are taken into account. Later to be used for school purpose
This services benefit everyone. Due to the fact that the school takes into account outside opinion. My family would probably use ESC simply because it is where LAUSD listens to our ideas.   

Friday, May 1, 2015

Student Success Statement 
"Dare to stand alone." 
Thomas S. Monson 
When i read this quote i think it refers to all the bad situations. Its basically saying don't be afraid to be alone in a choice if your know its right. Most of the time people tend to fallow the bad decisions of other people simply because others stand by those decisions. But what if you stand alone then maybe everything in your life will go smoothly. It is not right to fallow bad decisions simply because others are doing them. Which is why a person should not be afraid to stand alone in these situations. 
The Green Mile 
The movie The Green Mile  is a very emotional and heard warming movie. It is about a men who is wrongly accuse of raping and killing to little girls. But in reality god gave him the power to cure people, but when he cures people he feels all the pain they had felt. The problem with this little girls was that it was too late for them to be saved. Later when he goes to jail he is taken into the green mile(reference to the tiles that are green and long, and when someone reaches the end they are electrocuted to death). Which is why it is call the green mile because it seems like walking a mile before death. Anyway while the African American is in this prison, he meets a men. A white men that listens to his story only because he, the African american, cured him from a disease. Later in the end when the white men tries to save him he is too late since the guy was already killed. Now the movie is being told by the young man Paul( main character) since he has lived for more than a 100 years, and as punishment to letting the other man die he has watch his entire family and friends die before him. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Student Success Statement 
"In any moment of decisions, the best thing you can do is the right thing." 
Theodore Roosevelt 
When i read this quote by Theodore i think of the life decisions a person makes. If someone was to choose the wrong decision it could be the end. One never knows when or what will happen by one decision you make. One tiny decision that a person might think its for the best might end up being the worse and most painful decision. Which is why one must always choose the best decision there is. 
Life Planning  Progress Report 
In my life planning book i have written 215 goals that i have in mind to accomplish. I have accomplish so far 31 if those goals. If i where to mention the most proud goals would be the ones i share with special people. At the beginning it was difficult to accomplish some of the goal nut ones i got into the idea that some where amazing i just had too. Although i fear some goals i cannot accomplish i will dry my best to accomplish them. 
Medical Surveillance Technician 
Duties and Responsibility: Medical Surveillance Technicians analyze fluids, tissue, and other substances. They also perform complex laboratory test, along with becoming a routine to perform such tests. 
Salary: 34,750-57,580
Education: Bachelors degree on laboratory technology. Must also take all science classes. 
Reflection: No i would not like to be one. Simply because i am not that good with medicine. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Dr. Bob 
This doctor could be consider the most attentive doctor. For one reason he is not only a doctor but he also helps his patient with other issue. He is not the type of doctor who is after the money. But he only wants the good for his patients. At age thirty he decided to practice medicine and help a neighborhood that is in bad situations. He also never turns his patients away due to the fact that he believes he can help. He survive out of donations but even then he gives it to his patients. Either way his patients are his main priority. 
Student Success Statement 
"Make each day your masterpiece. You have to apply yourself each day to become a little better, and over a period of time you become a lot better." 
John Wooden 
When i read this quote i think of living ones life to the fullest. Meaning that one does not know when their life will be over, it can be that day or that morning. But what if you live your life to the fullest. Doesn't it mean that you have no regrets of leaving that life on that moment. Because you will know that you have done more or everything you could in your life. It does not mean that you should just give up, but  you should do better than before. 
Medical Specialist Corps 
Duties and Responsibilities: The medical specialist corps party help perform surgical operations. Along with doing so they also perform normal checkups on recruits. They must also always have control mentally and body wise. 
Salary: 60,000-70,000
Education: Must attend combat training, must have height and weight standards, knowledge of medicine will be provided by the most advance technology for medicine found. 
Reflection: I don't think i would like to pursue this career. For one i have to join the army. But i would like it in a way since as a doctor you i would be provided by the most advance medical technology. 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Home Run 
In the video we just saw there was a baseball game with western Oregon and central Washington. In this game a girl name Sara never hit a home run. Until that very game, but she injured her knee.The rules in baseball say that none of her teammates could touch her since the home run would be invalid. When the other team saw this Mallory and Liz,from opposite team, help Sara reach her goal. Now this moment was precious but since Sara injured her knee she could not play anymore. This is due to the fact that the injury was too grave and could cause more issues. But the moral here is that you should help someone in need, even when they are your rivals. 
Student Success Statement 
"It's a great moment when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at the right time." 
Pam Knox 
When i read this quote it reminds me of when people say "if only i would have done something" or "If only i was there." There is often times when these words come into mind and usually when it is too late. A person should not wait for a opportunity to speak up and say something is wrong. A person knows when it is wrong and right, which is why one must never wait to speak up for what is right. 
Medical Illustrator 
Duties and Responsibilities: Medical Illustrators work for professional specialist in order to create or re-create difficult technological advances. By doing so they help medicine advance by simply drawing and animate. 
Salary: 62,000- 175,000
Education: Most medical illustrators have a credited graduate programs. Where they learn all the science required and along with animations. 
Reflection: I don't think i would like to be one, but the job is quite interesting. I wouldn't like to be one simply because i might to sit in one place for a long time. I cant stay still and i also loose inspiration to draw many times. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

 The Ten Indian Commandments
  1. Treat the earth and all the dwell therein with respect 
  2. Remain close to the great spirit 
  3. Show great respect top the fellow beings 
  4. Work together for the benefit of all mankind 
  5. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed
  6. Do what you know to be right 
  7. Look after the well-being of mind and body 
  8. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good 
  9. Be truthful and honest at all times 
  10. Take responsibility for your actions 
I believe that this is a very good code the Native Americans to live by. It is wildly known that they have a very strong bond with one another. Also how they have the courage to do and live unlike many other people who would give up by the straggle they faced. It is important to keep such bond with people and earth since they are their for a reason. Many other people should fallow these codes in order to learn more about themselves

Friday, April 17, 2015

Student Success Statement 
"A promise must never be broken." 
Alexander Hamilton 
When i read this quote by Alexander i think of a person word, in other sense their pride. When a person makes a promise is like putting their reputation on the line. If they break the promise it shows that they cant be trusted, but if they keep the promise then they can be trusted. Which is why a promise is more than simple words its represents the person itself. Another reason why i never break my promises because i know if i do break it, i will feel horrible. 
Medical Assistant 
Duties and Responsibilities: A medical assistant complete administrations for and clinical task for those who work in the medical field, such as physicians pediatrics etc. 
Salary: 29,370-37,750
Education: During high school a student must take courses that include biology, chemistry, and anatomy. Basically as many science classes required. Usually also include post-secondary education.
Reflection: I would not like to fallow this career. For one because i would like to be my own boss in my career. I wouldn't like to have another person boss me around, and simply because i want to be front line if something goes bad. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Student Success Statement 
"What you see is what you get." 
When i read this quote i believe in what a person makes themselves out to be. The best motivation a person could have is themselves. The best part about this is if a person sees their life in success then thats what they will get. The answer is simply because a person makes themselves be what they want. No one can really force someone else to be something they don't want to be. Even if this were to happen it would be because that person has a type of motivation. That motivation can simply be their own reflection, the ideas of what he/she want to pursue in life. In my opinion the best one can do in these type of situation would be to pursue and think of the benefits it would have one me, for example the career i want to study with this fact i need to study and act upon it.
Duties and Responsibilities: A choreographer are season dancers that involve the moods and art to music. Most often the choreographers are people who have dance since they were young. 
Salary: 44,130
Education: To be a choreographer their is no specific education all that is require is to have knowledge in dancing. Or to have a degree in dance. 
Reflection: I would not like to be one but i am curious on the education and art of it. The only reason i wouldn't pursue this career is because dance for me is more of a hobby than career. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Student Success Statement 
"Goodness is the only investment that never fails." 
Henry David Thoreau 

When i read this quote by Henry i think he means that out of all the investments a person can make being good is the only good thing. If one sets their mind and think, you can figured out that their is many investments out there in the world and some might fail and lead your life to ruin. But what if the only thing that you have left is being good along with all the other qualities that mean being good. Isn't that what matters, i mean if a person is still and everything their is a high chance of remaking their life. But if a person is bad then their chances in life could be ruin for good. 
World Records 
World Record: Largest Underwater Human Pyramid 
By: John Shaddick, Tyler Reiser, Manolo Cabasal 
When & Where: October 15, 2013, Thailand, Koh Tao 
World Record: Largest Gathering of People Dressed as Penguins 
By: Richard House 
When & Where: November 12, 2014, United Kingdom 
World Record: Most Lighting Strikes Survived 
By: Roy C. Sullivan 
When & Where: June 25, 1977, United States, Virginia 
Favorite Record: Largest Human Art Figure 
By: Unknown 
When & Where: July 1, 1998, Australia 
This records fascinates me the most simply because i enjoy art. And the fact that this type of art can be made bigger and better really is interesting. 
I would like to someday break a record, i mean who wouldn't want their name known for something. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Student Success Statement 
"My basic principle is that you don't make decisions because they're easy; you don't make them because they're cheap; you don't make them because they're popular; you make them because they're right." 
Theodore Hesburgh 
When i read this quote by Theodore i think his meaning how sometimes people make decisions without thinking. Other times the decisions are made for a person because of peer pressure. but i believe he refers more to how a person knows what they decided and its often times wrong.  Many times a person should think before making a decision because it can either hurt them or those around them. But most of all the decision should always be to what he/she thinks is right. 
Licensed Practical Nurse 
Duties and Responsibility: Licensed Practical Nurse work under the care of registered nurses and doctors.  They often check patients blood, basic patient care, provide comfort for people etc. 
Salary: 34,750-41,540
Education: These type of nurses usually have to attend a special type of program which takes up to a year or more. Often times these programs are found in community college. 
Reflection: I would not mind being a practical nurse. But like i said before sometime patient can be quite rude. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Student Success Statement 
"It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular that which is sound and good, and unpopular that which is unsound." (Not good)
Joseph Smith 
When i read this quote by Joseph Smith i think he is trying to say that people should fallow more what is good and sound. When he mentions popular it means something that is wildly known and sometimes fallowed, which means that he want good to be more known. This also takes into account how many people are probably fallowing that which is wrong instead of good. Also by mentioning popular and unpopular he is trying to stop bad for being seen more often that good.  
Home Health Aide 
Duties and Responsibility: A in home health aide person enables a patient to stay at home. While the patient stays at home the aide helps the patient deal with issues or the family with some issues with the patient. 
Salary: 22,050-30,780
Education: Their is no clear education require in some state a HS diploma isnt even needed in other states just simple training is require. 
Reflection: No i would not like to be a home health aide. I wouldn't like this job because my mother happens to be one and she mentions how sometimes the patient can be difficult. 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Student Success Statement 
"I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he is wrong." 
Abraham Lincoln 
When i read this quote by Abraham Lincoln i think he meant it from his own perspective. Taking into account at this time he was also running for president and must have had doubts of his win. But he was trying to assure the people that even if he doesn't win he will stand for the country but only with the one who does the right. In reality no ones wants to stand for a man that always ruins or damages a person reputation but with a man who knows what he is doing. When a person fallows and knows between right and wrong other people tend to fallow and trust that person because they know what they are doing. But the way always part from the ones who do the wrong. 
April Fool's Day
April Fool's takes place on the 1st of April.  April fool's happens to be on the first of April because it is a way of seeing it as the new years or seasonal change back in the 15th hundreds. But the reason that this is so peculiar was because the day was change to Jan. 1st, but people still celebrated it on April 1st which got other people to call the Europeans fools since they still fallowed the old calender. Another story would be that Aprils fools started during the rule of Constantine where on April 1st he allowed a Jester to rule over the kingdom only for the Jester to make a announcement of April fools to the entire country. The only problem would be that the professor who said this story happen to be playing a prank for April fools. But in the end April fools is seen as a seasonal change in which it allows people to experience the lighthearted holiday because of the seasons. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Student Success Statement 
 " I trust that my hard work will pay off." 
Tyler Haws 
When I read this quote I thing that he means that only the ones that work for what they want they will accomplish success. By this I mean that natural talent does not come to all of us. Well some do manage to grow up with talent. But others have to work for what they want no simply sit around. Basically Tyler is saying that if you want something you have to give it your all, not just try each day but do your best. 
Interior Designer 
Duties and Responsibility: A interior designer is in charge of choosing the color scheme, window treatment, hardware and lighting, and furniture. A interior designer is basically in charge of the way a building or home will look. 
Salary: 47,600-89,900
Education: Must know the trends at the moment along with other trends. And Bachelor's or Associate's degree in: spatial planning. drawing, furniture design, perspective, colors and fabrics, architecture, ergonomics. 
Reflection: I am not sure if i plan on fallowing this career. But i happen to be curious about the way they work and how they handle stuff. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Student Success Statement 
"True independence and only freedom can only exist in doing what is right." 
Brigham Young 
When i read this quote i think that he means that a person is never truly free if he/she makes a mistake. It is possible that the mistake might be little or might have not cost anyone but what if that mistake involve not following what is right. What if that mistake was only made by cheating, lying and costings other more than it should. Doing what is right is what allows a person to live a peaceful and free life. But a simple mistake can lead to a person feeling guilty which causes them to not feel free to always feel trap. 
St. Patricks Day 
St. Patricks day is celebrated in March 17 because its a way to commemorate St. Patrick who happens to be the reason for the holiday and because its the day he died. St. Patrick was a bishop in ireland who wasn't very popular it wasn't until after  his death due to many myths. One of the myths was that he was the one that got rid of snakes that were in Ireland, even though its impossible since snakes can't live in Ireland due to the weather. In the beginning St. Patricks also happen to be a day were the christians had a feast of a sort but later in America it turn into parties and parade. As for the color green we wear it because it has a lot of representation towards Ireland the color green is for the flag and the way the entire country has green life. But the interesting fact is that we wear green because of another myth which happen to be that leprechauns don't pitch a person when wearing green, which is why everyone wears green to not get pinched by one. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Olivet Middle School 
 The olivet school is a middle school that happens to have a football team. In this football team there is a little boy name Keith with a learning disability but he happens to be a football player at this school. In one game in particular his playmates decided to do something special for him, they gave him a chance to score a touchdown. This happen to be a special touchdown simply because all of the player worked together for this touchdown. It also happen to be Keith first touchdown. The quarterback also happen to learn a valuable lesson from this, he learn to care for others.  
Student Success Statement 
"They're  only truly great who are truly good."
George Chapman 
What i thing that George Chapman is trying to say is that a person is only great if he/she does and follow what is good. What this means is that if a person strays from a certain path only to do what is wrong then that person isn't great at all. Because he/she already did something bad that damage who they are and possibly what they could have been. But id a person does and follows what is good then he/she is great. Simply because they accomplish what the other couldn't do and manage to do something with their lives. 
Volunteer Opportunities 
Some well known and beneficial volunteer opportunities that are base on medicine would be: 
  1. Fight for air climb volunteer: with American lung association  
  2. Musical Moments: California Hospital Medical Center 
  3. Children with love ones with cancer
This are three of the great and beneficial opportunities. This volunteer job apply for high school students along with college students. All of these are competitive meaning that in order to apply for one, one must have good grades and good recommendation letters. Every single one of them helps a child do better and get better. All of this volunteer jobs apply for children.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Student Success Statement 
Cheating: Is the short term gain worth the long term pain? 
"Many think that the short term gain will be worth the long term pain, but it isn't. In addition, using steroids is the cheating, and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater. Don't do it." 
George Mitchell 
 By reading this quote i understand that nothing can be gain by cheating. Cheating is just a excuse for being lazy, because in reality there is no use for cheating a person can be as good as any other person by just working hard. When steroids are mention one can think of all the famous athletes who have been found or confess to have use steroids. This is another example of being lazy because in sports is all about training and eating right not about using drugs and finding a easy way out. Which is why when a person cheats there is no gain everything is just taken away from them another reason why the gain from cheating isnt worth it since it will only be taken away. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Duties and Responsibilities: An oncologist is a person who deals with tumors in other words cancers. Among with working with cancer it means they diagnosed the type and form of cancer, where it is located, and help staging the cancer. 
Salary: 217,856-400,526
Education: Bachelor's degree that includes biological and chemical science. An admission to a accredited which include competitive scoring and a Medical College Admission Test. 
Reflection: This career actually sounds interest but its risky. I mean in this career things can change and very quickly the cancer can spread, be cure, be cure and then came back, or just kill the patient. Basically this career has many dangers but there are benefits. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Student Success Statement 
"Character matters most."
Dale Murphy
When i read this quote i think he means that a persons character is the importance. A person character is what makes them who they along with their actions. A person can have all the success they want but what if their character is the worst. They behave badly along with other bad actions because of this many people might stop liking that person. Simply because their character is not worth dealing. But what if you take a person who has a character who is kind and trustworthy then that person will be a success. 
Duties and Responsibilities: Heliotherapy comes from Greek which refers to the Sun god Helio and Hippocrates who happen to be advocates to sun healing. By this i mean that Heliotherapy is a type of therapy that uses the natural or artificial light from the sun. It is also the main point for tuberculosis of the bone, joints, and skin. 
Salary: 29,000-81,000
Education: In order to become one you need a bachelors degree or higher degree. 
Reflection: I would not like to be one. For one reason only because it looks creepy and weird. Plus i don't like the way it looks or was use back in the days. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Mitch Mckee 
Mitch is a young boy who just in ninth grade and his father happens to have cancer. His father's cancer happens to incurable and all his son wanted to do was bring happiness and help his father forget about his disease. It all started with the son taking it upon himself to win the national wrestling tournament. He would practice every day even when there was no practice. In the end the son manage to win the national championship. But not only that he also manage to allow his father to forget that he was sick for that one moment. The son just happen to do this because it could be his last year of living and he decided to at least leave a good memory. 
Student Success Statement 
"Great beauty, great strength, and great riches are truly of great use; a right heart exceeds all."
Benjamin Franklin 
When i read his quote i think he means that a person might have everything beauty, strength, and riches but they have achieved nothing if they do not have a great heart. A person who has all three things beauty, strength, and riches only have it for several reasons but many times they are lonely sad people, and only have what they have in order to comfort them for what they dont. Its like the issue of money; how money cannot buy everything? Money can buy many things but cannot buy a family, love, or friendship, and people who have beauty, strength, and riches find himself without any family and care. But a person with a right heart may not have all of the factors need but they have what matters and what cannot be swayed by money or any others factors. 

Health Educator 
Duties and Responsibilities: A health educator is a person that teaches another person how to improve and do better health. They also conduct a group meetings where they talk what is better in order for the people to be healthier. They also form links between health and the community. 
Salary: 48,790-34,620
Education: Require a bachelors degree in in health promotion. Position that work for the government require a masters in order for the person to work for the government.  
Reflection: I wouldn't like to be a health educator simply because a health educator must be around people. I dont like to be around people often since they make me uncomfortable and i just am not good at dealing with people's issues. 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Student Success Statement 
"It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right or wrong today." 
James Freeman Clark 
When i read his quote i think of it as a life making decision. A person doesn't know what is going to happen to them in life, but a person can figure out what will if he/she make the right decisions. When a person does something wrong whether it is a lie, cheat, or disrespect a person that alone can have a impact in their life. It is simply because the decision a person makes is what forms life. But lets just say a person always does what is right then their life is bound to have lots of success. 
Duties and Responsibilities: A FBI special agents can conduct special cases and top security involvements. Some of the things included are terrorism, foreign counterintelligence, extortion, white collar crime, and bribery and drug trafficking. Among other things they do is conduct investigations and be witnesses to a crime during court. 
Salary: 69,900-106,922
Education: In order to be consider a special agent you must hold a bachelors degree. In other cases a agent must speak more than one language and have knowledge in crime investigations. 
Reflection: It is not that i wouldn't like to be a FBI agent its more like i am not sure. Lately i have watch a lot of criminal minds and the job sounds quite interesting, but i still wouldn't like to be one because of what it stand for and means. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Student Success Statement 
"The best way to predict your future is to create it."
Charles Ketterer 
When i read this quote i think he is trying to say that our future is in our hands. A person can decide what path they want to take and that path can lead to a successful or unsuccessful life. It all comes down to the person decisions and way of living. If you aren't working hard for what you want how can a you expect to have a future that will satisfied and make you happy. Your future is your hands is a way of saying choose what you want to be. 

"Bless You" 
The phrase "Bless You" can have different meaning back in the day, and it all depended on what that person in that plays believed. This words can have a meaning from protecting a person from evil,protecting a person's soul, luck, and life itself. All of this originated from different places but it is said that the ancient Romans were responsible for this phrases. They started saying "Salve" in a way of blessing someone. But as time went on it change. All of the sayings have a different meaning since "Bless You" was also a way of saying good morning to a person. 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Rachel Castillo 
The story of this women follows that a bag went missing. Later it was found by her as she investigated the bag she notice stacks of money. Upon counting  the money she notice that it was 36,000 dollars. The bag also had a I.D. of a old man who according to police has poor health. The interesting thing is that the women did not keep the money she return all of it. She says that since she was little she was taught to always do what was right not to mention she believes in the bible. When she return the money she did not receive a award no but she says "maybe she will be awarded later on in life." I believe she did the right thing and maybe she will be awarded. 
Student Success Statement 
"Ask yourself is it right or wrong and act accordingly." 
Otto Graham, Jr. 
I think Otto is trying to say is always think before you act. Basically before taking any action think "Am i doing what's right or wrong." By doing so you will know your answer since a person will always know if they are doing what is right or what is wrong. Also by doing so you will know better before taking action, you will know if it is good or bad. It is basically a question, do you want to do what is right or wrong?